

Rapid technological advances have altered the landscape of business IT operations considerably in recent years. This is both good news and bad news for non-technical business owners who find themselves struggling to stay on top of all the latest developments, including the deluge of software updates, security updates, and other essentials. If you're one of those beleaguered decision makers, you may have heard of two outsourced solutions that can save you a lot of effort and confusion – software as a service (SaaS) and managed services. But if you're weighing one against the other for your organization, there are important differences between the two that you need to understand.



SaaS is meant to relieve the hassle of purchasing various types of commonly-used software and all the various updates that they inevitably require. Instead of buying licenses for these programs and running them on your local hardware, you simply rent access to them from a cloud-based vending service. It's a terrific choice for businesses that rely heavily on all the “usual suspects” (Microsoft Office, Adobe graphics/publishing suites, etc) – and the fact that you never have to worry about updating them yourself means you can cross one major compatibility and security worry off your list.


But as great a solution as SaaS can be, it only applies to your software headaches – and if you need to customize your software heavily, it may not even go that far. A managed services plan, on the other hand does much more than merely handle your software logistics. Manages services also include taking care of all your hardware and networking needs (by dealing with multiple vendors, so you don't have to), but they can also include everything from regular backups to troubleshooting and repair. It costs more, but it's worth it – so contact us and get the details!

 Related Post: Services Rendered By Managed Service Providers Enable Organizations To Be More Efficient


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