
IT system security is an ongoing process of anticipating future problems, counteracting the latest techniques employed by the bad guys, and maintaining a high standard of preventative hygiene. Our Austin business IT support specialists at Gravity Systems would like to suggest a few smart steps that can help you keep your IT system secure.

Physical Health Assessment (2) (1)

Install a secure VPN - We’ve talked about VPNs (virtual private networks) in the context of software that protects your data from prying eyes when you access a WiFi network -- but a VPN program can also protect a hardwired network as well. Install a VPN onto a router, and your attached computers can use it to establish secure encrypted connections through virtual servers in a variety of countries, protecting data privacy.

Keep your anti-malware software up to date - Anti-malware software catches viruses and other unwanted deliveries only when it can recognize them. Outdated anti-malware software may lack critical information on the latest Internet “bugs.” Make sure you’re updating your software regularly.

Choose end-to-end encryption - Standard data encryption methods encrypt the date only as it’s being transmitted. The server receiving the data holds the encryption key that unlocks the data. But this means that if the server gets hacked, the hacker now has the ability to intercept and misuse your data. In end-to-end encryption, both you and the server hold encryption keys, removing this potential vulnerability.

Use a password manager - Easily-guessed, sloppily-stored user passwords invite security breaches. Browsers can remember passwords, but they aren’t necessarily secure. A password manager program can generate long, complex passwords that don’t require your employees to remember (or write down on sticky notes). They’re also naturally resistant to phishing attempts because they aren’t fooled by phony addresses.

Want to strengthen your IT system’s security with state-of-the-art skills, tools, and techniques? Contact us for assistance!