
Outdated software can create numerous headaches for IT departments and the organizations they serve. These days it seems as if there’s a new update of some sort to worry about every time you turn around. Some of these updates may just modernize a tried-and-true application’s
features, while others could make huge differences in productivity and security. So which apps do you need to update immediately, and which ones can wait? Here’s a quick guide from your Austin IT managed services team at Gravity Systems.

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Red-hot priority: Security patches have to count among the most important and urgent of software updates. These patches are typically released to fix some recently discovered vulnerability that could be exploited to steal data and/or hijack computer functions. You always
want to implement the latest security patches ASAP. OS updates can also prove critically important if your current OS version is no longer supported with periodic security patches.

Moderate priority: Even if your computers are running a still-supported OS, you may need or want to upgrade so you can gain some new features or more efficient performance. You may also need to update your OS to ensure compatibility with a particular application (or vice versa).

Low priority: Software updates that don’t have a major impact on your computers’ security or usability occupy this tier. For instance, Android updates aren’t as important as they used to be, mainly because the Google Play Store either auto-updates them or lets you implement them on an as-needed basis. A lateral move from one application to another that offers most of the same core features would also count as low priority.

Gravity Systems can help you identify which of your software updates need to happen right this minute and which ones can wait. We can even handle those updates for you remotely. Contact us to learn more!