
Today, in our Common IT Questions blog series, the Gravity Team addresses the ever-present concern of employee productivity.


Commonly Asked Question:

How can I enhance office place productivity? i.e. Policing restricted websites, decreasing computer “downtime” by running updates etc. afterhours.   

Gravity Systems Response:

It is hard these days to “turn off” the Internet at your company.  Many employees need at least part of the Internet in order to do their job.  We typically put a combination of hardware and software in place that allows us to work with the customer to restrict a sub-set of the Internet that may be impacting productivity.  These solutions also block spyware and prevent intrusions into your network.  As for updates, we typically schedule these at night with our Managed Network packages.  Customers doing their own updates usually come in on the weekend or at night to do the patches while avoiding downtime.

Related posts and links:

[GS Bulletin] - Network Firewall White Paper

Gravity Systems Network Services


If you would like further information on any of these questions or others you have, please let us know. Gravity Systems will be happy to look into your network and computer systems and help you every way we can.

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The Gravity Systems Team

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