
Essential Antivirus Dos and Don’ts

The last couple of years have been all about protecting ourselves, our family members, and our coworkers against a certain dangerous virus. However, you mustn’t forget about other viruses that can prove catastrophic to your business – viruses of a digital nature.


Don’t install just any third-party antivirus program. For instance, don’t use Kaspersky anti-virus software. The FCC has actually gone so far as to name the Russian-based company as a national security threat. You need to know that you can trust your anti-virus software provider before you grant it access to your system data. Our Austin IT business support experts can recommend safer options and help you choose the right software for your needs.

Do use Windows antivirus protection. Windows 10 comes with built-in antivirus safeguards that can detect and remove a variety of malware programs. Just make sure you keep the OS up to date at all times. Just in case you get a virus despite these best efforts, keep a copy of Windows Defender Offline on a USB drive so you can remove stubborn viruses without connecting to the Internet.


Don’t forget the firewall protection. While antivirus programs are critical for neutralizing any viruses that invade IT systems, firewalls work to keep those viruses from entering in the first place. If you don’t have top-quality firewall protection set up to filter incoming incoming data traffic, ask us to install this feature for you.

Do adopt smart antivirus practices in the workplace. Protecting your enterprise against viruses involves more than just setting up some malware-blocking technology. Make sure everyone in your organization understands the dangers of opening suspicious attachments and executable files. (That includes weird-looking double extensions such as vbs.txt.) Set all the email accounts to open files manually, not automatically.


Don’t let your IT system get sick. Contact Gravity Systems for antivirus assistance!

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