GS Staff

As you undoubtedly know, Texas got hit by a rare, extraordinarily severe ice storm, complete with record-setting low temperatures, extended power outages, and disruptions of vital supply chains. How did your business fare during (and immediately after) this deluge of ice and snow? Now is the time to take stock of your situation, from damaged IT components that need fixing to some smart investments in future-proofing measures. Consider the following questions:

Physical Health Assessment

Did you lose data? Cities throughout Texas experienced power outages during the ice storm. Many of these outages occurred due to rolling brownouts implemented by ERCOT, while others were the result of damage to power lines. Even the briefest power loss can cause businesses to lose mountains of unsaved data. Maybe you should look at your cloud data backup and restoration options.

Did you experience hardware damage? The same power outages that cause data loss can also send destructive surges into valuable equipment. Does your data center have some hardware casualties that need replacing? While you’re purchasing those new components, add
UPS devices, line conditioners, and backup generators to your shopping list.

Were your employees housebound? Countless roads were rendered impassable by the ice storm, meaning that countless workers were stuck at home, even if they were fortunate to escape extensive power outages. Did your productivity grind to a halt as a result? Some of those employees might have continued working if they’d had the right remote desktop or cloud collaboration capabilities.

Yes, this ice storm was an extremely uncommon event -- but it still happened. Don’t let the next “impossible” event take your organization by surprise. Contact the Austin IT business team at Gravity Systems. We can evaluate your current system for potential weaknesses, replace
damaged devices, add protective safeguards, and help you expand your work-from-home offerings!

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