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Another Halloween is barrelling toward us, as if 2020 hasn’t already been scary enough. Fortunately, most Halloween hi jinks involve cartoonish, family-friendly depictions of ghosts and goblins. However, some threats can prove genuinely frightening, especially if they haunt your IT system. Here are some potential spine-chillers that you want to protect your technology against, with the aid of your Austin tech support allies at Gravity Systems.


Mummified data - How ancient is your latest system-wide backup? If you don’t implement an adequate backup schedule, a sudden disaster could leave you missing months of precious data. Our team can help you narrow that gap through our remote data backup and restoration capabilities.

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Computer kidnappers - Plenty of horrific stories involve a loved one captured and held for ransom. Substitute “IT systems” for “loved ones,” and you can understand why business owners fear attacks by ransomware that kidnap their computers’ contents. Don’t let your IT system fall prey to these evildoers; let us fix you up with the right security protections and disaster response strategies to stay up and running.


The Silence of the Network - Your servers aren’t talking to your workstations, your workstations aren’t talking to each other, or maybe your whole IT system isn’t talking to the rest of the world due to an Internet failure. This kind of sudden, unexpected silence can prove awfully unsettling, and not only at Halloween. Ask us to add redundant Internet connectivity, iron out network compatibility glitches, and keep your devices’ internal and external communications moving.

Bewitched hardware - Do you have one or more pieces of computer or network hardware that have apparently fallen under a witch’s spell, displaying bizarre behavior or refusing to function at all? Hardware can act strangely if it overheats or approaches its end of life. We can repair or replace that bewitched component. Contact us today!

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